Enlist The Neck Hump Causes and Effective Treatment Options
A neck hump is a condition in which a hump forms on the back of your neck. This condition is also known as buffalo hump. It is not a serious problem; however, it can make you self-conscious about your body posture and limit neck movement. Here are the major neck hump causes that you should know: Poor Posture: Prolonged slouching or sitting with rounded shoulders can contribute to the development of a neck hump. Obesity: Excess fat accumulation in the upper back and neck region can lead to the formation of a hump. Cushing's Syndrome: This hormonal disorder can cause fat to deposit in unusual areas, including the neck. Osteoporosis: Weakening of bones in the spine may result in abnormal curvature, leading to a neck hump. Treatment Options: Pectoral Stretch: Stretching chest muscles can help improve posture and alleviate neck hump appearance. Massage: Massage therapy can address postural issues and help reduce the accumulation of fat in the neck area. Utilizing an ultrasonic ma...