What is The Various Buffalo Hump Causes and Its Treatment Options

Buffalo hump is characterized by abnormal fat accumulation on the upper back and neck, leading to a hump-like appearance. It can occur due to the contribution of various factors, including hormonal imbalances, obesity, steroid medications, and certain medical conditions such as Cushing's syndrome

Buffalo Hump Causes

The treatment of buffalo hump depends on the underlying buffalo hump causes. In cases caused by hormonal imbalances or medical conditions, treating the underlying condition may help alleviate the symptoms of buffalo hump. In cases caused by steroid medications, reducing or changing the medication may be necessary.

In addition to these treatments, some home remedies may help reduce the appearance of buffalo hump. These include:

Exercise: Regular physical activity can help reduce overall body fat, including the fat on the upper back and neck.

Diet: Eating a healthy and balanced diet can also help reduce overall body fat and promote weight loss.

Posture: Maintaining good posture can help improve the appearance of the buffalo hump by keeping the shoulders back and the neck straight.

Massage: Massaging the affected area can help increase blood flow and reduce inflammation. You can also pair massage with ultrasonic far infrared technology that targets the fat cells by penetrating deeper into your skin with the help of neck hump device.

Yoga: Practicing yoga can help improve posture and reduce stress, which can contribute to the development of the buffalo hump.

Hence, these are options for buffalo hump treatment at home that can help you in the ugly hump. For neck hump device, visit our website to place your order now. 


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